Taken In His Peace
The clouds paint the sky,
in their veil
they take you with them,
they teach you to fly,
and leaving a trail behind.
Looking at the sun, I think
how immense it is,
its rays give me heat
under those old beech trees
from several years ago.
In bodies of water,
I find wise advice again
and in the whispers of birds,
beautiful in their unique music,
I hear the melody of the wind
hoping that one day
give me even more harmony.
We are children of the blessed God,
we love his creation
when in a single meadow
we admire its lilies
stretched miles away
in their most intense amazement.
I think we are not alone
in this universe.
He took us in his love,
we feel his hand
little by little,
like the breeze
than with dexterity
caresses our soul.
"Presi nella sua pace"
Le nuvole disegnano il cielo,
nel loro velo
ti portano con sé,
ti insegnano a volare,
andando via
e lasciando dietro una scia.
Mirando il sole, penso
a quanto sia immenso,
i suoi raggi mi emanano calore
sotto quei vecchi faggi
di parecchi anni addietro.
In specchi d’acqua,
ritrovo di nuovo saggi consigli
e nei bisbigli degli uccelli,
belli nella loro unica musica,
sento la melodia del vento
sperando che un dì
mi dia ancora più armonia.
Noi, siamo figli del beato Dio,
amiamo il suo creato
quando in un solo prato
ne ammiriamo i suoi gigli
distesi miglia lontano
nel loro stupore più intenso.
Penso che non siamo soli
in quest’universo.
Ci ha presi nel suo amore,
sentiamo la sua mano
pian piano,
come la brezza
che con destrezza
ci accarezza l’anima.
A World Full Of Love
Life is a breath
what's going
away like the wind.
In a moment he throws his slap at you
and then it leaves its scratch on you.
Its wake in storms, hits you,
he tears your clothes and his remains
they go away diminishing,
but if he can, bind up your wounds
also saving those of many lives.
I'll be funny if I throw myself into this life
and let this anger of mine pass?
I'm just a little Smurf
in front of it.
I am but a grain of sand
taking a dive into the sea
and then drown?
You who think you love more and more,
you who don't give in and don't throw yourself down,
you who put your hands up,
yes, up there
in the plans of the Divine,
wait for the morning to come
and let the evil end,
you look forward to a better world.
Today, the world pays no attention to your love,
he is an alien who throws his poison into hatred,
but man, thanks be to God,
he will soon enjoy it to the fullest
of a world full of love
with its most particular
humanitarian rights
which will be centuries-old...
They will last for centuries
of the centuries.
"Un mondo pieno d'amore"
La vita è un soffio
che va
via come il vento.
In un momento ti lancia il suo schiaffo
e poi ti lascia il suo graffio.
La sua scia in tempeste, t’investe,
ti straccia le vesti e i suoi resti
van via scemando,
ma se può, fascia le tue ferite
salvando anche quelle di tante vite.
Sarò buffo se mi lancio in questa vita
e lascio che passi questa mia rabbia?
Non sono che un piccolo puffo
di fronte ad essa.
Non son che un granello di sabbia
che fa il suo tuffo in mare
per poi annegare?
Tu che credi di amare sempre più,
tu che non cedi e non ti getti giù,
tu che metti le tue mani in sù,
si, lassù
nei piani del Divino,
aspetti che salga il mattino
e finisca il male,
ti prospetti in un mondo migliore.
Oggi, il mondo non bada al tuo amore,
è un alieno che getta il suo veleno nell’odio,
ma l’uomo grazie a Dio,
presto godrà appieno
d’un mondo pieno d'amore
con i suoi diritti umanitari più
particolari che saranno
secolari..Dureranno per i
secoli dei secoli.
Passions And Loves
The sun shines
among the sails of ships,
while on earth
by sweetness
there is no more war
and honey drips from the honeycombs.
There are no more beams,
today adopted by good owners.
No more prisons in the hearts,
but accompanied passions
and more and more loved
from all loves
that they will never forget
and that they will continue
to fill and rejoice
the colorful life
of each of us.
"Le passioni e gli amori"
Il sole brilla
con leggerezza
fra le vele delle navi,
mentre sulla terra
dalla dolcezza
non vi è più guerra
ed il miele stilla dai favi.
Non vi son più le travi,
oggi adottate da bravi padroni.
Ne più prigioni nei cuori,
bensì passioni accompagnate
e sempre più amate
da tutti gli amori
che mai si dimenticheranno
e che continueranno
a riempire e gioire
la colorita vita
d'ognuno di noi.
ORLANDO SIMIELE is an author, poet, writer, graduated h.c in Philology and Literary Criticism, Graduated h.c in Literature and Philosophy, Graduated h.c in Communication Sciences applied to Journalism and graduated h.c in Ambassador of Poets and Writers.He is also an Academic Senator, noble Duke. He was born in Caserta on March 12, 1986 in Italy,and for about twenty years spent his childhood and adolescence in Persano (Sa). He has always had a great passion for poetry. Since childhood on a pocket diary he composed various sentences in the form of rhyming couplets that over the years then in adolescence became the most special essence turning into increasingly complete texts and pursued by him until today.Also passionate about botany and the magnificence that he feels towards nature after having completed his first studies and five years of higher technical education, he obtained the diploma of "Agricultural Expert" at the "Giustino Fortunato" Agricultural Technical Institute located in Eboli, a city in the province of Salerno on 05/17/2005.He is a native Italian speaker and has a good knowledge of French. Today he lives and works in France near Geneva. He has also created two books (poetic anthologies), namely: "Frammenti d'amore" in the year 2016 with the publishing house "Il Saggio" located in Eboli in the province of Salerno in Italy and "La Fonte della vita" in the year 2018 always with the same publishing house.Orlando Simiele has also participated in various national and international literature and poetry competitions, sometimes reaching the top positions in Italy and on an international level he has obtained first places three times.
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